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Siskiyou County - Mount Shasta

History of the Organization

The Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (SCWA), publisher of the "UpState CA Shasta Cascade Visitors Guide", is an organization dedicated to progress and prosperity for the magnificent Shasta Cascade Region. The region covers the eight counties in the northeast corner of California and totals about 30,000 square miles.

For over ninety years, the SCWA has helped attract visitors to the Shasta Cascade Region which offers incredible recreational opportunities, historical rural towns, expansive forests, scenic lakes and streams. As a non-profit organization, the SCWA is directed by a volunteer board of directors composed of community leaders from the eight counties the SCWA represents.

First organized in 1927, the SCWA united in promoting the improvement of roads in the Northstate. At that time, many of the roads we currently take for granted were nonexistent or in deplorable condition. Gradually, the SCWA became involved in tourism and the promotion of outdoor recreation in the region. These promotional efforts started at the 1939 World's Fair in San Francisco with the association being one of the few regions of California that was represented.

In recent years, besides the efforts to promote the region for tourism and outdoor recreation, the SCWA has encouraged governmental entities to develop additional campgrounds, boat ramps and tourism facilities. Some of the better known accomplishments of the SCWA include the development of the Bizz Johnson Trail in Lassen County and all the recreational facilities on Eagle Lake. A variety of other accomplishments, too many to list, can also be credited to the SCWA's forward-thinking actions over the years.

Through government grants and membership dues, the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association is able to continue providing its worth-while services to our community.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association
1699 HWY 273, Anderson, CA 96007 | (P) 530-365-7500
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