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Championship Golf Courses, Historic Bridges, & Rugged Canyon Walls

Rugged canyons, glassy lakes, trout filled streams, vast pine forests, mountain golf resorts and star-filled skies are all part of what define Plumas County. Lake Almanor provides an ideal settings for an old-fashioned summer family vacation.  Relax at an unhurried pace in the quaint Western American towns of Quincy, Blairsden and Graeagle.

Visit the Warner Valley portion of Lassen Volcanic National Park, accessible from the town of Chester, including historic Drakesbad Guest Ranch, the only overnight accommodations within the Park.

Quincy  |  Chester  |  Portola  |  Indian Valley

Lake Almanor

One of the best-kept secrets of Plumas County is the clear blue waters of Lake Almanor. Lake Almanor itself is a destination for many outdoor recreational opportunities and is one of the prettiest lakes in the Northern California region.

National Barn Quilt Trail

Plumas is one of two counties in California participating in the National Barn Quilt Trail. Barn quilts are painted on the outside of barns, fences, garages, and businesses. The barn quilt tradition is celebrated every September with a countywide driving tour.

Fall Color in Plumas County

California Black Oak, Mountain Dogwood, Big Leaf Maple, Indian Rhubarb, Quaking Aspen and more, fill Plumas County with brilliant fall color. 

A Day in Plumas County
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39696 Hwy. 70
Quincy, CA 95971
This trail branches off the Gravel Range loop in an easterly direction, and ends at the Big Creek Trail.  Many visitors use this as an alternate route or shortcut back to the Staging Areas.
Plumas County
Showing results 31 to 31 of 31
Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association
1699 HWY 273, Anderson, CA 96007 | (P) 530-365-7500
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